One of the most common questions we receive is: When can I safely wear makeup after LASIK?
After undergoing LASIK surgery, the eyes are in a delicate state of healing. Any form of contamination, especially from makeup, can introduce bacteria that may compromise the healing process. Makeup, particularly eye makeup, poses a risk because it can easily harbor bacteria, even if it is applied with great care. Post-surgery, your primary focus should be on avoiding infection, which can be triggered by even the smallest particles of makeup.
Avoid applying eye makeup any sooner than 3 days after LASIK surgery. Applying eye makeup too soon can lead to complications such as irritation, eye infections and can even prolong healing time.
Recommended Waiting Period For Makeup After LASIK
We recommend waiting a minimum of three days before applying any eye makeup following LASIK surgery. However, this timeline may vary depending on individual healing rates. It is generally safe to apply makeup such as foundation or lipstick after LASIK, but still exercise caution when near your eyes. Some patients may feel comfortable resuming their makeup routine after a few days, while others may require additional time. It’s essential to listen to your body and follow the advice of your eye care professional.

Tips for Safe Makeup Wear After LASIK
When it’s safe to start wearing makeup again, ensure you remove it gently. Use a downward motion with a soft cloth or cotton pad, avoiding harsh scrubbing or side-to-side movements that can irritate the eyes.
Expired makeup products, including foundation and concealer, can cause skin irritations and eye infections. Always check the expiration dates and replace products as needed to maintain eye health.
Old makeup can be a breeding ground for bacteria, which can lead to infection, particularly in eyes that are still healing. Invest in new products and brushes to reduce the risk of contamination.
Even after the recommended waiting period, avoid applying eyeliner directly on the waterline. This area is particularly sensitive post-surgery, and any contact with makeup can lead to irritation or infection.
Glitter eyeshadow can easily flake off and fall into the eyes, posing a risk of irritation and infection. It’s best to avoid using such products for a few weeks.
For a few weeks after your LASIK surgery, refrain from undergoing any cosmetic procedures around the eyes, such as Botox, fillers, facials or microblading. These treatments can increase the risk of infection or irritation. Consult with your eye care professional on when its advisable to continue these practices.
LASIK surgery offers a quick recovery time, but it’s crucial to be cautious with makeup application during the healing period. By following these guidelines, along with your doctors and giving your eyes the time they need to heal, you can minimize the risk of complications and enjoy the full benefits of your LASIK procedure.