Cirugía LASIK y cobertura del seguro
Coste de la cirugía ocular LASIK
¿Cubrirá mi seguro el coste de LASIK?
¿Cubre el seguro la cirugía ocular LASIK? Es una de las primeras preguntas que se hacen muchas personas al plantearse una intervención LASIK, y prever el coste es una parte importante del proceso.
Aunque es raro que las compañías de seguros cubran el coste de la cirugía ocular con láser, hay algunas excepciones, por lo que no está de más que te informes en tu compañía de seguros. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los pacientes de LASIK recurren a otras opciones de pago para cubrir su intervención quirúrgica.
El LASIK Vision Institute se compromete a evitar que el coste se convierta en un obstáculo para la cirugía LASIK. Con nuestra financiación, obtienes:
Fácil proceso de financiación
Sólo tardarás unos minutos en ver si cumples los requisitos.
Programas a medida
Ofrecemos programas a medida que se ajustan a tu presupuesto actual.
Pagos iniciales cero
Algunos programas no tienen costes iniciales.
Opciones de pago
Ofrecemos muchas y cómodas opciones de financiación.
Seguro médico, FSA y HSA para LASIK
Seguro médico
El LASIK se considera un procedimiento electivo y, por tanto, puede no estar cubierto por los planes de seguro médico o de visión. Pero, ¡no excluyas todavía a tu seguro de tus planes LASIK! Algunos seguros pueden ofrecer un descuento en LASIK, sin embargo, el Instituto de la Visión LASIK puede igualar el descuento de tu seguro o disponer de descuentos comparables (hasta un 20% de descuento, no acumulable a otras ofertas).
Las Cuentas de Gastos Flexibles y las Cuentas de Ahorros Sanitarios te permiten utilizar los fondos reservados para tu asistencia sanitaria y aplicarlos al precio de tu cirugía ocular LASIK. Las ventajas de utilizar estas cuentas son que los fondos no están sujetos a impuestos y, por lo general, pueden utilizarse a discreción para servicios sanitarios (consulta las directrices de tu plan individual de FSA o HSA).
Descuentos que podrías obtener a través de tu seguro médico
$800 savings on Custom LASIK with free enhancements for life^
FREE LASIK examination ($120 value) to provide you with a customized treatment plan for your individual vision correction needs
100% bladeless procedure
Medically approved post-operative visits are included
$800 savings on Custom LASIK with free enhancements for life^
FREE LASIK examination ($120 value)
100% bladeless LASIK eye surgery
Medically required post-operative appointments are included
$800 savings on Custom LASIK with free enhancements for life^
FREE LASIK examination ($120 value)
100% bladeless LASIK eye surgery
Medically required post-operative appointments
$800 savings on Custom LASIK with free enhancements for life^
FREE LASIK examination ($120 value)
100% bladeless LASIK eye surgery
Medically required post-operative appointments
$800 savings on Custom LASIK with free enhancements for life^
FREE LASIK examination ($120 value)
100% bladeless LASIK eye surgery
Medically required post-operative appointments
$800 savings on Custom LASIK with free enhancements for life^
FREE LASIK examination ($120 value)
100% bladeless LASIK eye surgery
Medically required post-operative appointments
$800 savings on Custom LASIK with free enhancements for life^
FREE LASIK examination ($120 value)
100% bladeless LASIK eye surgery
Medically required post-operative appointments
$800 savings on Custom LASIK with free enhancements for life^
FREE LASIK examination ($120 value)
100% bladeless LASIK eye surgery
Medically required post-operative appointments
$800 savings on Custom LASIK with free enhancements for life^
FREE LASIK examination ($120 value)
100% bladeless LASIK eye surgery
Medically required post-operative appointments are included
$800 savings on Custom LASIK with free enhancements for life^
FREE LASIK examination ($120 value)
100% bladeless LASIK eye surgery
Medically required post-operative appointments
$800 savings on Custom LASIK with free enhancements for life^
FREE LASIK examination ($120 value)
100% bladeless LASIK eye surgery
Medically required post-operative appointments
$800 savings on Custom LASIK with free enhancements for life^
FREE LASIK examination ($120 value)
100% bladeless LASIK eye surgery
Medically required post-operative appointments
Opciones adicionales de cobertura LASIK
El verdadero valor de la cirugía ocular con láser
El gasto de la cirugía ocular con láser representa un procedimiento electivo que a menudo se considera que cambia la vida. Numerosas personas reducen significativamente su dependencia de gafas y lentillas durante muchos años. Sin embargo, el ahorro económico en costes relacionados con las gafas sólo capta parcialmente el verdadero valor de la cirugía. Muchas personas descubren que después del LASIK pueden realizar actividades que antes les resultaban difíciles o imposibles, como bucear, llevar gafas de sol normales, nadar, jugar libremente con sus hijos y viajar sin inconvenientes. Es esencial tener en cuenta no sólo el coste de la cirugía ocular con láser, sino también si los beneficios intangibles mejorarán tu calidad de vida, influyendo en tu decisión de seguir adelante con el procedimiento. Empieza y explora el coste del LASIK con The LASIK Vision Institute.
Cirugía ocular LASIK: Preguntas frecuentes sobre la corrección de la visión
LASIK (Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis) is a revolutionary vision correction procedure that can free you from the hassles of glasses or contacts. During this bladeless laser eye surgery, an excimer laser gently reshapes the cornea with computer-precision to correct refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Say goodbye to visual aids and hello to crystal-clear natural vision!
With laser vision correction surgery complications are very rare. At The LASIK Vision Institute®, we have some of the most experienced independent LASIK surgeons in the industry. The risk of sight threatening complications is less than 1% overall.
In making the decision to undergo LASIK surgery, be sure to do your research. Choose a LASIK surgeon who is experienced and well respected in the industry and be sure to have a list of questions to ask about the procedure.
The first step in your LASIK journey is an in-depth screening and evaluation by our experienced eye surgeons. During this comprehensive exam, we'll assess your specific vision needs and eye health criteria.
Generally, good LASIK candidates meet the following requirements:
-Age 18 or older (with a stable vision prescription for at least 1-2 years)
-No existing eye diseases or conditions like keratoconus or glaucoma
-Sufficient corneal thickness
-Reasonable refractive error limits for nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism
However, exceptions can sometimes be made depending on individual circumstances. Our laser eye surgery experts will take the time to understand your unique vision goals and medical profile. We'll then advise if you're an ideal LASIK candidate or if another vision correction treatment may be better suited for outstanding results.
Don't settle for blurred vision a day longer! Schedule your LASIK consultation now to discover if you're a candidate for improved visual freedom.
The thought of laser eye surgery may seem daunting, but rest assured, LASIK is a painless and comfortable experience. Numbing eye drops are applied to completely anesthetize your eyes before the procedure begins. You may feel a mild pressure sensation around your eye during the laser corneal reshaping, but no pain. Many patients are pleasantly surprised by how smooth and painless their LASIK journey is.
To ensure maximum comfort, your surgeon may also prescribe a mild oral sedative to help you stay relaxed throughout the quick 10-15 minute LASIK procedure.
After your life-changing LASIK procedure, you can expect some minor irritation or a gritty sensation in your eyes for a few hours as the numbing drops wear off. This mild discomfort is temporary and can be easily managed with over-the-counter eye drops or oral medication prescribed by your surgeon.
Most patients find that a short nap after their laser vision correction allows their eyes to rest and reset. When you awake, you'll be amazed at your newfound visual clarity! Your surgeon will also provide medicated eye drops to aid in healing and prevent infection during your swift recovery period.